PROJECT LABS - Do Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Computing Projects From IBM Experts & Win Prizes Worth 1+ Lakh INR′ from CEW

Real-world projects by IBM Experts, you get mentor support to work on these projects. These projects make you job ready, are on the latest emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Cloud, Angular Js, React JS, MERN Stack , MEAN Stack, Full Stack Programmer.

Why Do These Projects

Today jobs are based on practical hands-on experience. The projects we have chosen are emerging technologies, which help you gain that experience.

Mentorship & Guidance

We understand it is impossible to get the industry experience without getting mentored by industry experts. Thus we provide you industry mentor to help guide you.

Project Based Learning & Mentoring

Quote by Bruce Lee "If you want to learn to swim jump into the water", these projects are based on the same philosphy.

What you will learn : 360 Degrees Full Stack Project Implementation

  • Learn How In Real-world IT projects are implemented using Agile
  • Implement project Architecture & Solution Design using new emerging technologies
  • Define Functional & Non-Functional Requirement Stories
  • Create Work Break Down, Project Plan & Project Estimates
  • Capture Requirements of the project using Use Case Modelling
  • Define Stakeholders, UX Personas, Main Scanario, Alternate, Negative, Edge Cases
  • Create project design using UML Modelling, Process Flow Diagrams
  • How UX Components are created.
  • How Google Analytics, SEO are implemented.
  • Create Responsive UX Designs
  • Implement project coding using code respositories, code guidelines & reviews, coding best practices
  • Testing using unit tests(create test scenarios & execute)
  • Deployment of the project in cloud
  • DevOps Automation implementation
  • User Acceptance Testing - How client identify issues, how you fix issues
  • GO LIVE of the project
  • Post Go Live Activities




    Build an image gallery app in the cloud

    To illustrate object storage options in the cloud, you can use a code pattern to


    Build a cloud native MEAN web app

    Create and deploy a cloud native web application using the MongoDB, Express, Ang


    Build a cloud native MERN web app

    This code pattern will deploy a Mongo, Express, React, and Node (MERN) web app t

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